Knowing our strengths and limits : Those with Accurate Self-Assessment competence are aware of their abilities and limitations, seek out feedback and learn from their mistakes, and know where they need to improve and when to work with others who have complementary strengths. (Kelley, 1998).
A term derived from psychology which designates personal abilities that we rely on to complete a specific task or solve a problem. In general, competencies are rather intricate, going beyond skills and knowledge, to include intellectual, social, emotional and behavioral aspects of personality. Acquiring a competency involves continuous development of one’s own potential
Decoding of communication and relationships across two specific cultures emanating from two specific nations.
Is a theory within management and organisational psychology, positing that understanding the impact of an individual’s cultural background on their behavior is essential for effective business, and measuring an individual’s ability to engage successfully in any environment or social setting. First described by Christopher Earley and Elaine Mosakowski in the October 2004 issue of Harvard Business Review and gaining acceptance throughout the business community, CQ teaches strategies to improve cultural perception in order to distinguish behaviors driven by culture from those specific to an individual, suggesting that allowing knowledge and appreciation of the difference to guide responses results in better business practice.
CQ is measured on a scale, similar to that used to measure an individual’s intelligence quotient. People with higher CQ levels are regarded as better able to successfully blend in to a foreign environment, using more effective business practices, than those with a lower CQ.
Is not solely about external attributes such as race and gender, or nationality. It is also about mindsets, about cultural orientations related to human activities: such as those identified in Philippe Rosiniki’s Cultural Orientations Framework: sense of power & responsibility, time management approaches, definitions of identity and purpose, organizational arrangements, notions of territory and boundaries, communication patterns, modes of thinking.
“Anyone can be angry – that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way – this is not easy.” ARISTOTLE, The Nicomachean Ethics
Often measured as an Emotional Intelligence Quotient (also called EQ) describes an ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one’s self, of others, and of groups. Some, such as John D. Mayer (2005a) prefer to distinguish emotional knowledge from emotional intelligence. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term “emotional intelligence” appears to have originated with Wayne Payne (1985), but was popularized by Daniel Goleman (1995). Research on the concept originated with Peter Salovey and John “Jack” Mayer starting in the late 1980s.
Recognizing our emotions and their effects: reflects the importance of recognizing one’s own feelings and how they affect one’s performance.
Refers to all forms of relationships between people from different backgrounds, inclusive of encounters occurring both domestically as well as internationally.
The act of slowing down, stepping back from the swirling thoughts, emotions and stress in order to see, feel and experience our thoughts, actions and behaviors in a more conscious manner. The opposite of mindfulness is mindlessness which is a state of unawareness. To overcome this state of mind, we need to disengage our automatic response system, and learn to remain open and inspired, and thus be able to respond to cultural differences in effective and productive ways, even when we feel personally and professionally challenged.
Can be defined as the intelligence that lies behind group interactions and behaviors. This type of intelligence is closely related to cognition (CQ / IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ / EI). In 1920, E. L. Thorndike, at Columbia University, (Thorndike 1920), used the term “social intelligence” to describe the skill of getting along with other people. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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